Smart tips to slash food waste

Author: Juno Scott-Kelly, Communications Manager for Love Food Hate Waste NZ

In this second article on reducing food waste we look at more great ways to get more value from your food and significantly reduce food waste within the home.

FIFO (First In, First Out): When unpacking groceries, make sure to place newer items at the back of the pantry or fridge and move older items to the front. This practice ensures that food doesn't get forgotten and go to waste.

Store Smartly: Learn the best ways to store different types of foods. Keep fruits and vegetables separate to prevent premature spoilage, and store perishables at recommended temperatures to extend their freshness.

Portion Control: Serve meals in appropriate portions to prevent leftovers from becoming potential waste. You can always save smaller portions for later if you're unsure about how much you'll eat.

Revive Overripe Produce: Overripe bananas make the best banana bread, and soft tomatoes can be turned into delicious sauces. Get creative with ageing produce before they go to waste.

Donation and Sharing: If you find yourself with surplus food that you won’t be able to consume in time, consider donating it to local food banks like Pātaka Kai, or sharing it with friends, neighbours, or colleagues.

Composting: Items that can't be consumed or repurposed can find a second life as compost. Composting not only helps divert waste from landfills but also enriches soil for gardening.

Reducing food waste doesn't require major lifestyle changes; it simply involves mindful planning and a willingness to be resourceful.

Juno Scott-Kelly is a passionate foodie, mother and writer. As Communications Manager for Love Food Hate Waste NZ, Juno enjoys sharing practical and creative tips for reducing food waste at home.

For more tips, recipes or information on how to reduce food waste at home visit