North West a winner in transport priorities

By Cameron Brewer – MP for Upper Harbour.

Over 100 hundred locals joined Cameron Brewer and his team for the official opening of his electorate office on Hobsonville Road on 22 March. Police Minister Mark Mitchell cut the ribbon and MPs Chris Penk, Greg Fleming and Paulo Garcia were in attendance, as was former North Shore City mayor George Wood, and councillors Shane Henderson and Ken Turner.

The draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport was recently released.

Priority projects include the North West Rapid Transit Corridor (dedicated busway up SH16) and the North West Alternative State Highway (Kumeu bypass).

The draft GPS also commits up to $2.3 billion for public transport services and $2.1 billion for public transport infrastructure over the next three years.

The Coalition is also reintroducing the successful Roads of National Significance (RoNS) programme, with 15 projects identified, and there will be significant increases to road maintenance funding.

Potholes have become increasingly apparent on our roads in the past five years, with billions proposed to address potholes on state highways and local roads in the coming years. 

What’s more, we will not be continuing with a blanket approach to speed limits. Instead, there will be a focused approach on improving road safety by building safer infrastructure, investing in safer drivers, and requiring safer vehicles. 

We will also look at different ways of funding and delivering major transport investments. This will likely include Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and the increased use of tolling.

Keep in touch with your views on local transport needs, with my electorate office now open at 102c Hobsonville Road – next to Midpoint café. To make an appointment, please email us on 

Authorised by Cameron Brewer, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.