Local Board Update

Saturday 7th of October marked the long-awaited opening of the Observation Green playspace in Scott Point.  The event was officially blessed by Te Kawerau ā Maki. Speeches followed and the ribbon was cut by local board members, then the fun began.

At the opening there were games and giant bubbles, visits from Spiderman, the West Harbour Fire Brigade, the mobile library and a yummy sausage sizzle.

The playground is the result of community action and was designed by experts in consultation with the community.   The local board are absolutely thrilled with the final look of the playground.  There is a playground, a learn-to-ride path, a fitness trail, a communal picnic area with drinking fountain and a large open space to kick a ball around or host community events.

There is more to come from the project including painting the concrete scooter/ bike path and installing wobbly goals in the flat grass area.

The playspace is bounded by Roa Ave, Observation Green and Kokowai Parade.  Have fun and enjoy the new playspace. 

Anna Atkinson, Upper Harbour Local Board Chairperson.